by Al Razutis

This poem is contained in "YES"   "YOU"   "CAN", Selected Writings by Al Razutis, 2020
Published by death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, UK

VRML world and prose poem by Al Razutis - Place of the First Time -  video on YOU TUBE

In whatever library you wish to...

Imagine coming upon an item in the section named 'ANTIQUITIES'.

      (This section is in an unfashionable corner,
far from Po-Mo Simulacrums, Derrida, and other suitable showcases at the Whitney.)

Imagine there, a 'book' that reads and from within about a 'TIME MACHINE'.
Not dialogic time, but TIME.

Not a electro-mechanical TIME MACHINE, but made of STONE.
In a 'PLACE'.
A long time ago.

When 'TIME' became 'real'? ...some say in 10,500 BC, upon a plain,
above the Milky Way.

And some claim it was near the Nile.
...when the earth pyramids and Sphinx gazing east precisely reflected the heavens above,

Some say that this was the PLACE where and when man-womankind first conceived of a 'duality' (theirs)
- a 'PLACE' out there, a 'PLACE' right here, aligned in TIME
which could be 'locked'...and known, as TIME and SPACE.

"Beyond Space there is only Time" -- wrote Paul Virilio

Machine of stone, upon a plain upon a time depicted here?
A 'PLACE' in Time, aligned precisely. When? and Why?
The knowledge of which, escapes us now?
Beyond Space there is a Time.

Millennium footprint, this.


Commissioned world for '6 DOS: The Library', by Nancy Paterson 1999

For VRML / X3D viewer / free download, visit:  CORTONA 3D VIEWER site.
Recommended Browsers: INTERNET EXPLORER 11 or FIREFOX (Chrome no longer supports NPAPI plug-ins!)

If you cannot view VRML World - See 2 min. video clip on YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/iHZQufZYpBk

Contact:   alrazutis@ymail.com

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